The Showbiz Project THE SHOWBIZ PROJECT is a dancer development program aimed at preparing young people to become a dancer as a profession. Selected by audition, students will work intensively with Angela Hang, Sunny Chan, Chris Choi , Kay Chen as well as guest teachers, all of whom are well-respected in their field of dance. The 27-week […]
AN INTENSIVE PROGRAM Feminism – refers to the charisma and attractiveness uniquely found from women. It is the embodiment of softness, elegance, virtue, intelligence, sexiness and independence in women. Feminism is no longer about a pursuit of the outer beauty, it is more about elevating the inner self awareness and attractiveness. How could we achieve […]
AN INTENSIVE PROGRAM Feminism – refers to the charisma and attractiveness uniquely found from women. It is the embodiment of softness, elegance, virtue, intelligence, sexiness and independence in women. Feminism is no longer about a pursuit of the outer beauty, it is more about elevating the inner self awareness and attractiveness. How could we achieve […]
為有志投身演藝界的你,提供一條龍式專業舞蹈培訓。 由本地著名舞蹈學校 SDZ 及 DANCE UNION 聯手打造,國際級師資, 六個月AS DANCE PROJECT舞蹈訓練系統, 課程表現優異者可獲得商演工作機會。 Visit Our Youtube Channel.